Onsite Alcohol and drug testing services in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts
Schools, Sports Teams, Events
Drug and Alcohol testing is being used today by employers, schools, sports teams, probation and prison systems. High schools are testing attendees at proms and other social events. You want an onsite testing process that is fast, accurate and simple.
Workplace Testing
I will work with you or your TPA to arrange on-site drug testing at your business. Drug and alcohol screening has become a necessary tool for companies to maintain the integrity of their business, and implementing that program in an efficient and cost effective way is something we understand. Sending employees out of the office or off the construction site can be costly, and it presents an opportunity for a possible “cheat”. We can save you time and money by coming directly to your place of business for your random testing; this streamlines the hiring process.
At approximately 10 minutes per drug or alcohol test, we reduce both the time and cost of testing, allowing you to increase the productivity of your employees, reduce liability and maximize profits. Keeping collections onsite at your location preserves the integrity of the test and allows for scheduling flexibility: imagine getting your testing completed at 5 am before the drivers leave or when they get back in the afternoon. The ability to collect onsite delivers a convenient, consistent and professional collection experience. We are comfortable working under a variety of conditions including outdoors, rain, shine, construction trailers, early mornings or late evenings. This service is offered in CT, RI and portions of MA only.
Personal/Child Testing
We have the option of on-site testing or we may send you a kit with instructions for your business/personal use. These drug testing kits offer instant results: know if your child is using illegal drugs. These tests are for personal use, results will not come from a lab and are not a legal document.
Northeast Onsite Services LLC – Gallery of Drug and Alcohol Testing Equipment
- Intoximeters RBT VXL
- Intoximeters RBT IV
- Keith R. Gosselin performing blood alcohol test
- Keith R. Gosselin demonstrates Intoximeters RBT IV
- Drug and substance abuse test kit
- Intoximeters Alco Sensor FST